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Afanasyeva has treatment in Munich

Valentina Rodionenko has confirmed that 2008 and 2012 Olympian Ksenia Afanasyeva is currently in Munich undergoing a variety of treatments on her ankle.  As Ksenia has previously explained, the ankle became injured in 2012 during preparations for the London Olympics, and has given her much pain intermittently ever since.  The head coach explained that it isn't possible at the moment to speak of competitions, but that she hopes for the gymnast to return to training as soon as she has recovered.

As reported earlier this week, Aliya Mustafuna is back in training.  The process is gradual as she rehabilitates her knee to a full training load, and Valentina explains here that she is working on a new floor routine.

The gymnasts will be participating in World Cup competitions this year, including Stuttgart and Glasgow.

Other good news is that MAG team captain Emin Garibov is back in full training.  This should reinforce the strength in depth of the men's team, and hopefully improve their medal prospects in Rio.

Good luck to all the gymnasts, and our best wishes in particular to Ksenia for a full recovery.  

Sources -


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